Friday, December 15, 2017

welcome to the halftime show

Language is important.  The words we use create thoughts, feelings, and expectations.  Take the word final for instance.  Final means "last" or "ultimate" -- it signifies the end of something.

So many people have been using the words final exam this week that it makes us feel like this is the end of something.


We're just getting warmed up.

Use the break to recharge your batteries and regain your momentum.  If you have ideas for Spring semester and all the app/game/social media/empire-building we talked about yesterday, please post a comment here or email me anytime.  This is just getting interesting.

Happy Holidays to your and your families. -dp

Friday, December 8, 2017

december 8

Please write today's journal on a separate piece of paper.  Please slip that piece of paper into the front cover of your journal and put both into the box for your period.  Mahalo.

1. What have you learned in this course this semester?  Please describe in detail.
2. What have you done well, and what do you want to do better in the spring semester?
3. What have you tried hard to do, and where can you try harder in the spring semester?
4. Given what others can see-- your blog, your journals, your projects, your essays-- and what others can't see (what/how you think), what grade do you believe you have earned this semester?  Why?

1. Journal
2. Finish essays
3. Plan for next week

Thursday, December 7, 2017

december 7

The old holidays are boring.  Make up a new holiday for this winter.  Include how you will celebrate, songs you will sing, food you will eat, and anything else we need to know.

1. Journal
2. Finish body paragraphs for essay
3. Write conclusion for essay
4. Read/ Read 180

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

december 6

What are you looking forward to over Winter Break?

1. Journal
2. ESSAY: body paragraphs
3. Read/Read 180
4. Study for finals

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


In the novel Tangerine, some of the characters are static and some are dynamic.  Choose a dynamic character and explain at least three ways this character changes throughout the book.  Why does this character change?  How does this character's evolution reflect the overall theme and tone of the book?

december 5

What's exciting to you about the end of the semester?  What is making you nervous about the end of the semester?

1. Journal
2. Return character outlines
3. Characterization notes
4. Final Essay: prompt & introduction paragraph
5. Read/ Read 180

Monday, December 4, 2017

december 4

What grades are you expecting in your classes this semester?  Is there anything you can do this week to improve your prospects?

1. Journal
2. Finish Tangerine
3. Brainstorm essay topics
4. Read/Read 180

Friday, December 1, 2017

december 1

Describe one thing you learned in this class this semester.

1. Journal
2. Tangerine/ "popcorn" reading

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...