Friday, November 17, 2017

november 17


People joke about the "Zombie Apocalypse" -- what if it's already happened?  Voters can't tell a good candidate from a terrible candidate.  We have no idea what's in the food we eat.  At least half the people on campus today are dying to get out of here so they can spend next week... doing what?  Binge-watching Netflix and stuffing themselves with turkey?  WHAT IF WE ARE THE ZOMBIES?

For today's journal, please explain why you think this school is or is not full of zombies.

(Or choose your own topic, like describing how you intend to spend next week.)

1. Journal
2. Correct yesterday's test
3. Tangerine
5. Read/ Read 180

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...