Thursday, November 9, 2017

november 9

One year when I was a kid I went to a summer day camp.  At the pool on at hot, sunny San Fernando day, a guy named Brick (I don't know if that was his real name :) was trying to impress a girl.  "I love the rain," he said, "it washes away the..."  I don't remember hearing the end of the line.  I don't know if it was poetry or his personal philosophy.  But for the last 40 years or so since I heard him say it, every %&*$!!! time it rains, I find myself saying silently, "I love the rain, it washes away the something something something..."  Literally.  I finish the line with something something something.  This is both funny and deeply dissatisfying.  So, dear colleagues, I am asking for your help today.  Whether you love the rain or not, please rewrite this line with a better ending.  Mahalo.

1. Journal
2. Reading Inventory test (online)
3. Read 180/ Read
4. Tangerine pp. 145-155

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...