Tuesday, January 23, 2018


This project is due at the beginning of fourth period on Friday, February 2, 2018.

PART I: Literature Analysis

In this part of the project you will explain the book you're reading right now, using literary techniques we have discussed in class.  For each element you should include 1-2 paragraphs that describe:
  • The element and its definition
  • How the author uses the literary technique to make the book more entertaining
  • 3-5 examples (with page numbers) of the literary technique from the book
Please remember to include the following literary techniques:
  • Theme: What is the central message of the book?
  • Tone: What is the author's attitude toward the subject, the characters, and/or the audience?
  • Mood: How did you feel when you read the book?
  • Plot: Where/when did the story take place, and what happened? Remember the ingredients for plot that we discussed in class:
    • Exposition
    • Inciting incident
    • Rising action
    • Climax
    • Falling action
    • Resolution/denouement
  • Diction: What kinds of words does the author choose?  Simple? Complicated?  How does the diction give you a sense of tone or mood?  Are there more nouns and verbs, or adjectives?
  • Syntax: How does the author put words together?  In short phrases, or long paragraphs?  Is there more action or does the author include a lot of description? 
  • Figurative language: Does the author use similes or metaphors to create images in your mind?  Give an example and explain how this helped you think about the story.
PART II: Short Story

In this part of the project you will write your own short story, using the style and the literary techniques you learned about in reading your novel.  Your short story must be at least 2 pages long and include each phase of plot (see above).

After you finish the story, please write a paragraph about your favorite literary technique.  Explain why and how you used it in your story.

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...