Wednesday, March 28, 2018

do you hate facebook?

To help prepare for the Internet/security part of the course after Spring Break, please read 
and answer the following questions in a comment to this post:
  1. Do you hate Facebook?  Why/why not?
  2. What social media do you use? Why do you use it?
  3. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being "not at all concerned" and 10 being "in a full panic") how concerned are you about your life online?  Are you worried about how you're seen, what will follow you into adulthood, what will be stolen or used against you?  Or, nah, not so much?
  4. What do you want to see me cover in class about the Internet/data/security/etc?

march 28

Why do you forget to do some important things in your life?  (Like turning in your journal, which you should most DEFINITELY NOT FORGET TO DO TODAY, PLEASE :)

1. Journal
2. Create agreements and plan for Spring Break

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

ignite talks

Traditional speakers at professional conferences talk for an extended period of time, either as a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, or panelist.

A few years ago a new trend emerged in the world of sharing ideas.  TED and other conferences made shorter talks popular.  These were kind of like the intellectual version of "speed dating."  At one conference where I presented, there was a series of "ignite talks"-- these were designed to be high-energy, exciting introductions to ideas that would get the audience thinking and hungry for more.  They were also required to be no longer than five minutes.  (You can see one I did at the 14:00 mark HERE.

On Cake Wednesday the week after Spring Break (April 11) every single member of our learning community will give an ignite talk.  There will be no passes, no "I forgot"s, no exceptions.

How will we manage this?

Our ignite talks will be no more than one minute long.

"Impossible!" you say.  Nonsense.  You can see links to last year's speakers and topics HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Here is what each ignite talk will include:

  • Your big question/ masterpiece topic (1-2 sentences)
  • One thing you did over the break to explore your question/topic (1 sentence)
  • One thing you learned by exploring over the break (1 sentence)
  • One connection you see between this course or something we read and your question/topic (1 sentence)
  • What you're doing next (1 sentence)
Since we will not have time for audience questions on the day we give our ignite talks, please also create a post for your blog (title: IGNITE TALK) in which you write out these 5-6 sentences and invite commenters to contribute ideas or questions.  If you have any questions or technical challenges please email or comment to this post.

Looking forward to learning from you!

march 27

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Take Five" by Dave Brubeck; "Bird Feathers" by Charlie Parker]

I have lots of questions this morning, and I can't decide which I like asking the best.  So, you're going to have to decide which one(s) you like answering the best:
  • What is Jazz?  Why is this oeuvre considered uniquely American?  (Feel free to look online for this one.)
  • Several Charlie Parker songs have "Bird" in the title.  As you listen to his music, explain why you think the image of a bird fits. (Is the bird flying or has it landed?)
  • In the beginning of Fahrenheit 451, the burning books are portrayed as birds.  Why do you think this imagery is apt?  
1. Journal/discussion
2. Table reading with questions

Monday, March 26, 2018

cognitive dissonance applied

Just minutes after talking about Ray Bradbury's use of cognitive dissonance in Fahrenheit 451, I opened a tab during the passing period and ran across this article about how McDonald's manipulates customers into choosing menu items that are less healthy and more expensive.  And guess what one of the tactics is?  Yep: cognitive dissonance.  (Thanks, & Cory Doctorow!)

march 26

Teach me something.  What do you know?  What did you learn last week in this class?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Making plans for this week and next

Friday, March 23, 2018

sometimes a modern tool can take you where you need to go

...even if it's back in time.

march 23

On your way here you passed at least 50 people.  How many of them said hello to you?  Did you say hello to any of them?  What do you think would happen if you stopped a total stranger today and said something like, "Hi-- I don't know you, but I want you to know that I see you and I'm glad you're here today"?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Writer's conferences
4. Table reading/questions


1. Journal
2. Writers' conferences
3. Table reading

Table reading questions

1.The novel Fahrenheit 451 begins : “It was a pleasure to burn.” Why does Ray Bradbury start the novel in this way? Why might it be more pleasurable to burn books rather than read them?
2. In the opening scene, why are the books compared to birds?
3. Discuss the difference between Montag and Clarisse’s lives.
4. Montag’s television includes headphones called “seashells.”  The “wall to wall circuit” allows Mildred to enter the “play” and, therefore, the television programming. How does the technology within the novel compare to our current technology? In the first pages of the novel,does technology improve the quality of life for Montag and his wife, Mildred? Why or why not?
5. Why does the narrator introduce us to Montag at this time of his life, when he encounters Clarisse and confronts Mildred’s overdose?
6. Why does the author introduce the character of Clarisse before Mildred?
7. Why are all the houses fireproof in this society?
8. Why does Mildred require emergency service? What service is provided?
9. What is the mechanical hound and what is its purpose?
10. Why does the society consider Clarisse “anti-social”?
11. When the woman’s house is raided, why does she light the match?
12. Describe the relationship between Montag and Mildred.  

Thursday, March 22, 2018

march 22


Quick-- write the first three sentences that come into your mind.

1. Journal
2. Read/ Read 180
3. Telling the story of your Hero's Journey
4. Individual work: Big Questions & Literature Analyses

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

march 21

JOURNAL TOPIC: (today's tunes: "Walk Between Raindrops" by Donald Fagen)

It's raining.  Since we're imagining the future this week, what do you think the Central Coast's climate will be like over the next 50-100 years?  Will it stay the same?  Get warmer/drier?  Will it be underwater?  Support your idea with at least one amazing reason.

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Return work
4. Watch the finish of the Hero's Journey

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

march 20


Describe life in California-- when you're 50 years old.  What do you think will be different?  Better?  Worse?  Why?

1. Journal
2. Read/ Read 180
3. Hero's Journey continued

Monday, March 19, 2018

march 19

Why do so many kids want to be astronauts?

1. Journal
2. The Hero's Journey: "Star Wars"

Take notes on the elements of the Hero's Journey:
  • The Call
  • The Decision
  • The Preparation
  • The Obstacles
  • The Climax
  • The Return
Please write these on separate sheets of paper (not in your journal) and remember to write your name and today's date in the upper right hand corner.  You will turn these in at the end of 5th period today.

Friday, March 16, 2018

march 16

What was the best thing that happened to you this week?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Paragraph summary of the book you're reading
4. Big Question or Literature Analysis

Thursday, March 15, 2018

march 15

Why do some people get so excited about sports teams?  Does this make sense to you?  Why/why not?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Plans & Next Steps: Big Questions Ins & Outs

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

walkout letter from a retired teacher

Walkout Letter by dpreston1441 on Scribd

this just in from london

This is the home page of the London Daily Mail, a tabloid-style newspaper:

that didn't take long

Story HERE

march 14

It's natural to wonder how things would be different if we were in charge.  If you were teaching this class, what would you do differently?  Why?

1. Hot topics
2. Journal
3. Read/Read 180
4. Big Questions & The Masterpiece Academy: timeline & the basics

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

journalism survey

SMHS journalism students are doing a survey for an upcoming article-- please click THIS link and complete the survey.  It takes just a few minutes to help our colleagues.  Mahalo. -dp

put on blast

Twice in the last two days I've heard this phrase from students (one student used it in a story about another teacher, and one student felt like I did it to him).  I thought I knew what the phrase meant, but every generation uses phrases a little differently, so I consulted Urban Dictionary just to be sure.

I don't support the idea of embarrassing people or making anyone uncomfortable.  I care about students and I root for each and every person in my life (students, family members, friends) to succeed.

However, sometimes being a good friend or mentor means being honest.  If you're not getting the job done, you need to know so you can do it better.  That's true for me too!  If anyone has suggestions for me, I'm open.  In the meantime, I want to make it clear in our learning community: the way I show respect is to be clear, honest, and consistent with you, and I expect the same in return.  If I say something clumsy that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know so that I can apologize and try to get the message across in a different way.  And, please show me the same courtesy I extend to you by keeping your commitments, doing your work, and communicating directly and honestly with me.   Mahalo. -dp

march 13

Today is my sister's birthday.  Whose birthday(s) do you remember?  Why is this important?  Who remembers your birthday?  How does it make you feel when people remember... or forget?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Debate topics
4. How to lose an argument

Monday, March 12, 2018

march 12

How can you tell when someone cares about you?

1. Journal
2. Caring 101
3. Debate topics for tomorrow
4. Read/Read 180

Friday, March 9, 2018

pedestrian questions

1.  Describe the setting.  Provide as many details as possible.
2.  Describe the society in which Leonard Mead lives.
3.  Explain the possible reasons that Leonard Mead does not fit into this society.
4. Why does he keep all of his lights on?
5.  Mead is taken to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies.  What does
     “regressive” mean?  Why would he be taken there just for walking down the street?
6.  What might have happened to this society that there would be no crime, but that walking would be
     considered criminal behavior?  What is Bradbury suggesting about society (theme)?
7. How does the society in the story resemble ours?  What is similar and what is different?

march 9

Imagine that you're on your way home today.  You walk around the corner and a car turns to follow you.  You turn to get a closer look at the driver-- but there is no one driving the car.  You've heard about self-driving cars, but this is the first time you've seen one.  A voice from a loudspeaker blares: "You! Stop right where you are. Get in."  The back door flies open and you see "Police Department" painted on the door.  Describe what happens next.

1. Journal
2. "The Pedestrian" and questions
3. Read/Read 180

Thursday, March 8, 2018

march 8

How can playing games bring people together?  Describe a game (physical or video) where people who didn't know each other at the beginning became teammates.

1. Journal
2. Read/ Read 180
3. Your daily dose of irony
4. The ministry of loneliness
5. The hero's journey (continued)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

march 7

The owner of a time machine gives you a choice: travel back 30 years to visit your parents' lives, or travel 30 years ahead to visit your own. Which will you choose? Why? What do you expect to see?

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. The Hero's Journey
4. Riddle of the Day

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


march 6

This morning I listened to an interview with a man who described his experiences in hang gliding.  Have you ever been tempted to try something that is fun but also considered risky?  For example, if you were invited to go sky diving, would you?  Explain why this sort of thing appeals to you or why you think it's nuts.

1. Journal
2. Oedipus & the Sphinx
3. The power of stories and riddles
4. Read
5. Read 180

Monday, March 5, 2018

meet the sphinx

The Sphinx.

Who built the Sphinx? The most compelling evidence that the Sphinx was built for the Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre during his reign (2520-2494 BC) is in the architecture, geology, and archaeology of the Sphinx and its related monuments.

The Great Sphinx is a stone monument built about 4000 years ago, in ancient times. It is located on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, where it guards the front of Khafre’s pyramid. It was carved out of limestone with a human face on a lion's body.

The Sphinx looks onto a temple built directly east of the statue. The alignment of the Sphinx Temple probably indicates sun worship.  The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers. The ancient Egyptian word for sphinx means the "living image of Atum". Atum is the creator god and the setting sun. So the Sphinx was probably built to honor the Egyptian sun god, Ra.

Some archaeologists believe the Sphinx is part of a set of monuments built to create a very special place of worship. These monuments include the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, the Causeway, and the Valley Temple, all of which can be found on the Giza Plateau.

march 5

From the California Science Center website: "To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, the California Science Center proudly presents the world premiere of KING TUT: TREASURES OF THE GOLDEN PHARAOH–the largest King Tut exhibition ever toured!

Why do you think the 3300 year-old remains of a boy king still draw sellout crowds around the world today?  What do you know about ancient Egypt?

1. Journal
2. Meet the Sphinx
3. Read/Read 180

Friday, March 2, 2018

march 2

What was your reaction to yesterday's presentation?  What was new information?  Do you feel like knowing this -- and seeing a SMHS grad who learned English and got a valuable job helping people -- was helpful to you?  Do have any questions or concerns?

1. Journal
2. Recap of yesterday's presentation
3. Yesterday's agenda

Thursday, March 1, 2018

your observations about the greatest games

2018_03_01_09_19_57 by dpreston1441 on Scribd

march 1

Describe the dumbest thing a friend of yours has ever done.

1. Journal
2. Read/Read 180
3. Comparing notes on what makes games great
4. Let's build! Leaderboard & intro

project infinity

One time I built a game and DIDN'T include a leaderboard -- so students built their own!

Let's take a look at this and discuss in class:

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...