Wednesday, May 2, 2018

may 2

JOURNAL TOPIC: (* after you write in your journal, please post today's entry as a comment to this post.*)
Tomorrow morning the garbage trucks come. Tonight I will perform the rituals of Garbage Day Eve: I will collect the trash from all the wastebaskets in the house, I will cinch up the big garbage bags from the kitchen, laundry room, and garage and put them in the garbage cans, and I will roll the garbage cans to the curb.  These tasks aren't necessarily the sort of thing a kid dreams about doing when he grows up, and no one is paying me to do these things or even giving me a grade.  So why do I bother?  A few reasons: 1) I don't want the smell, bacteria, mess, or insect/rodent infestation that comes with an accumulation of garbage in my house; 2) I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning with a start and race to beat the garbage truck; and, most importantly, 3) over time I have taken a great deal of pride in maintaining my home.  I learned a lot about #3 when I was in Tibet and watched the Buddhist monks care for their monastery.  (That was also the trip where I learned to truly love washing dishes -- to this day, there is something about a clean kitchen that makes me really happy.)

What tasks in your life are necessary but not necessarily appealing?  What do you do that gives you a sense of accomplishing something difficult, or the sense of ease that comes with being organized, or just the sense of relief at getting something unpleasant out of the way?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece meetings
3. Masterpiece calendar
4. Check in re: tomorrow and Friday
5. Continue in Fahrenheit 451
6. Read 180

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...